I am offering Conscious Connected Breathwork classes every month, in Ashburton (South Devon). Upcoming classes and day retreats in 2025 will include:
Shamanic Breathwork– Created by Linda Star Wolf, this healing practice involves the use of music, chakra work and breathwork to clean your chakras, connect you to your inner Shaman and reach a higher state of consciousness. It can help you connect with unconscious memories, connect with your Spirit, access spirit guides and allows you to release unwanted energies, emotional baggage and negativity.
Elemental Breathwork – Using some of the aspects of Tetra-Breath (created by Samma Karuna, Thailand), we will harness the power of the elements to support us on a transformative journey back to health. First we connect with the Earth, so we have a solid container in which to welcome in the emotions and to hold the emotions. Then the music moves us into the element of Water and here we connect with our emotions and body sensations and use the breath to support these to flow, whilst being held by the Earth element. Once we have connected with our emotions then it’s time to invite in Fire, we connect with our inner power and use this to transmute the emotions, energy and felt sense into something new, something more healthy and growthful and full of vitality.
Cacao and Breathwork– Throughout the ages and cultures plant medicines have been used to help us connect to the Divine; Cacao is one of these medicines. It is a gentle and legal way to open up the portal to our True Nature. It is thought to open up your chakras and accelerate your spiritual journey. Cacao is a heart opening plant spirit that helps us to accept what is here, to feel loving and gentle towards ourselves and others. It blends beautifully with breathwork (and Inner Dance and therapy in general).
Sound Journeys and Breathwork– Sounds clears energy, so what better combination can you think of?! Breathwork can be an intense experience, jangling the nervous system, so I am collaborating with sound healers to bring in the soothing medicine of sound at the end of a journey to calm the system and help you move towards tranquillity. Breathwork unlocks our stored emotions, trauma and energies, and sound can support these to keep on moving out of our system, transforming itself along the way.
Classes in Ashburton in 2025 are:
Friday 17th Jan, 3-5pm Inner Dance, £20
Saturday 25th Jan, Breathwork, 10am-12pm, £30
Saturday 22nd Feb, Inner Dance, 10am-12pm, £15 (reduced price, please ask me for further info)
Friday 7th March, 3-5pm Inner Dance or Breathwork (TBC), £20/30
Saturday 22nd March, Breathwork, 10am-12pm, £30
Retreats in 2025:
Saturday 17th May- ‘A Journey into Presence’ – This day will focus on coming into the present moment, through mindfulness, coherent breathing and inquiry practice, as the present moment is the portal to our True Nature/Presence. We will then do a conscious connected breathwork session with the heart opening plant medicine Cacao. The day is limited to 10 participants so early booking is recommended! Early bird price is £65 and ends on 17th April, after which the cost is £75.
If you would like to come please fill in the booking form below and then email me to let me know you have completed it (I don’t automatically get informed each time someone completes it). If you have any questions please do get in touch, I’m very happy to answer them!
Click here to complete the booking form to attend a breathwork class
Working with expanded states of consciousness can be a very effective way to heal trauma, difficult life events and challenging emotions, even when other therapies have not achieved the results you are seeking. Expanded states of consciousness have been used for thousands of years all around the world, for example meditation, drumming, reciting mantras, breathwork and dance.
Such states of awareness give us access to our unconscious (the memories/feelings that may feel too challenging to go towards in our usual state of consciousness), including the positive qualities that are stored here, which IFS calls Self. Self is state of being in which we are connected to our confidence, calmness, curiosity, compassion and courage, to name a few of it’s qualities.
I am a trained Conscious Connected Breathwork facilitator, with over 500 hours of training, and I offer sessions in which clients use breathwork to tap into the natural healing capacity of the body- a healing capacity that all of us have. This way of breathing induces an altered state, one in which our less conscious material comes into our awareness to be seen, felt, held and healed.
I will help you learn how to breathe in this way and support you to open to and allow the emotions, sensations and images that arise as you breathe in this way. Over a course of sessions many people find that they feel lighter, calmer and more alive as they let go of difficult life events and emotions and become more free to have the life they have hoped for.
Conscious connected breathwork is a helpful preparation for anyone who is contemplating working with plant medicines. As such I offer breathwork and/or therapy sessions as a way of preparing for and of integrating plant medicine sessions- please note these are SOBER sessions (there will be no ingesting of any substances in these sessions). This is not a way of encouraging people to work with plant medicines, which are illegal in the UK, but it is a way of reducing risk and possible harm that is sadly increasingly common as people try these medicines without the appropriate preparation, integration or support.
In addition to 1:1 sessions, I am now offering regular small group breathwork classes locally, most months. I will be incorporating IFS therapy into some of these classes. Later in the year I will be offering a small, closed group for 4-6 sessions, using breathwork and IFS to dive deeper into your psyche with the benefits that a closed group can bring to our inner process.
Please contact me if you are interested in 1:1 sessions, classes or if you would like to book a session for yourself and some friends.